Every piece a failure, every piece a lesson.

This is sort of an odd drawing I did summer of 2020. I almost threw it out or used it to experiment with and draw all over it. I ened up kind of likeing it though. Its sort of cartoon like but has a kind of nice feel to it. I can do a lilly much better know. I sometimes save stuff just to say wow I really sucked back then I am doing ok now.

This is an example of something I worked on that messed up to much so I used the paper for experimenting on some effects I was trying to do..

It is funny but I find the kindergarten-like scribbles and drawings more than one of the ‘finished’ humming biord drawings I did. Here is another version of the same drawing. I tried drawing that same thing 6 times. I gave up because I decided I need to learn more and practice more. Then ill try again.


For the attempted Parrot below I am on my third try. I am have learned a lot about trying to draw feathers and build better contrast but I find it very hard. The current version I am working on is probably also get designated a failure. Some ask me why I start over, toss the art, use it for experiments, and the like. I think it might be because I am aware if of the sunk cost fallacy. The sunk cost fallacy is when someone keeps investing capital in something like a house only to find it needs a lot of work. So every time they fix something there is a new issue consuming capital. Yet they continue because of all the capital they have put in not realizing their time, capital, etc would be better doing something else. So when I feel the pieace has gotten away from me and I cannot easily fix it I start over. Even if I have put like 20 hours into the pieace. Its actually a little friusttraing but I find drawing kind of like meditation so doing more of it hardly hurts.

I kind of like this one but there are some major issues. I have kept the Blue Jay because I keep thknking I can come back and fix him. There is NO way to reasonable fix all the issues but its kind of neat and look at it andn said wow I starteed drawing in the summer and a few months latter I did this. Not bad. Ill do another Blue Jay soon. This guy really helped me learn a lot..


Ohh God. Back to the lilly. I am not sure what the green mess is. I think some kind of leaves. I hard the idead the draawing woujld look better with a background but the background is hideous. I did learn a few things about contast and that sometimes its best to leave stuff alone.


I kept going and decided to stop because the background drove me nuts. Looking at it latter I kind of like it. The background seems a bit abstract while the flower is cartoonish. I think I am going to do something like that on purpose.




About ordo tacitus

ordo tacitus
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