Scientists Communicated With People While They Were Lucid Dreaming

This is interesting. While not the same it is somewhat related to other mental states; see this, and this, and this. This suggests that you might do this with people under the effect of various drugs, in coma’s or similar state, as well as those with severe mental illness. Especially those with things like schizophrenia or just bad hallucinations and delusions. You could probably make a simple neural network trained on exemplar brain waves but tuned on the person’s actual specific brain waves that could then respond through their senses, like here with their auditory senses, pressure, cold, and the like. I can see this being helpful to those who experience trauma-related attacks by intervening during an attack and helping guide the person out of the event. Heck, you could even use it to help those using mind-altering drugs by helping them to avoid things like mania, bipolar folk can experience mania by using mushrooms or guiding an experience. I think this would probably be easy to do with enough data. Anyways neat article.

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