Some new stuff

I have been messing around with some different methods and ways of drawing. Also, subject matter no birds. It is not surprising I guess but sitting down and trying to figure out what and how to draw something is pretty like inventing something. For me that is having some vague idea of what I want to do, trying some ideas out, making a massive mess, going on some tangents then narrowing in on something. In the case of this drawing, I decided I wanted to draw something different from cute animals and nice flowers. I had some vague idea of an old friend crossed with Audrey Hepburn and James Bond.



Just like work I started working on the subject, I got distracted by the little color check marks I make on my drawings and decided I could see a cat in those markings. Kind of like this one.

As I started drawing the cat, I started thinking that my Breakfast at Tiffany’s/From Russia with Love/Black widow lady needed to look like a cat. Perhaps with something of a cat attitude.

Like with a lot of things I did too much but I think I got the attitude right. Also, for my friends who like firearms, yeah, I know her finger is inside the trigger guard and the suppressor is wonky, but I think it is good enough. I did go too far adding the 60’s style font words that I remember from films and television shows.

Well anyways at least she got a cat. It was funny how much I worked on the dress btw. I used brown, gray, and blue for the dress. At one point I had these cool little highlights but ruined them by using a solvent. I was both too depressed and lazy to try and fix it.

Anyways a bit of a mess but a lot of fun for me. I got to step way outside of what I have been doing and have some fun. I learned some new techniques. I have already started two more. They all happen to be girls with guns in that 60’s style.

About ordo tacitus

ordo tacitus
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1 Response to Some new stuff

  1. Andrea Lahti says:

    Wow, I had no idea you were such a talented artist, straight up, without AI assistance. This is a great piece!

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